As the user is communicating with their friend through the mobile, most of their interaction is interrupted by the noise of an airplane flying at low hight. Instantly afterward, the user's mobile phone rang, disrupting the communication once more.
So, according to the following scenario both of those are examples of interference.
12. for (i = 0 ; i < testGrades.length ; i+=1 ){
13. if (testGrades[i] > 100){
14. sumExtra = sumExtra + testGrades[i] - 100;}
15. }
We first iterate through the entire testGrades array. For each test score that is in testGrades ( that is testGrades[i] ), we see whether or not the test grade is above 100 (See line 12) . If test grade is greater than 100, this means we have extra credit. We simply subtract 100 from the test grade, add it with the previous value of sumExtra and store the value back in sumExtra(see line 14). Once i is greater than the length of the test grades, the loop is exited. We can now print sumExtra to obtain the result.
Grenstall is most likely using the point system
The point system is a method of job evaluation system that involves measuring performance of workers in an organization and allocating points to identifiable factors such as skills, efforts, training, knowledge and experience based on its performance. It does not focus on entire job functions. The allocated points enables the organization to determine the compensation that is commensurate for a particular position.
Greenstall Inc uses the point system technique of job evaluation system for its managers as their jobs were broken down based on their skills, mental and physical efforts, training, and responsibility with points being allocated to each of these factors which are then summed up.
How partners in a relationship differ in a way that would cause them to contribute differently to the aggression that occurs between them.
Aggression in an intimate relationship is a negative response to environmental stimuli of individual. Two types of aggression are unilateral and bilateral aggression.
Aggression in a relationship can be view from different perspective, namely, interpersonal perspective, intra-individual perspective and sociocultural perspective.