Processing Rights.
The duties of a database administrator include determining which people have access to what kinds of data in the database; these are referred to as processing rights. There are other kind of rights too that will be decided by the Database Administrator. The database administrator grants access to different people depending on the usages of the database. There can be different types of data in the database. These are called the Processing rights.
Salting is an idea that is related to hashing of password which is the mapping of input data to a fixed length output data by the use of algorithms.
Salting is the addition of a distinctive value to the beginning or end of a password in order to form a different hash value from the hash value that would have been generated without the 'salt', thereby making the passwords more secure from attacks
The salt for each user is a unique value that is stored along with the username in a database
The Able Drug Company does that to make a beneficial profit, because if they sold it for what it was worth then they would not make any money.
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