<span>Go appears in the menu bar when Finder has focus, not in the Finder window.</span>
#include <stdio.h>
void printValues ( unsigned char *ptr, int count) // count is no of cells
for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
printf("%d ", ptr[i]);
int main ( )
unsigned char data[ ] = { 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1} ;
printValues( data, sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]) );
Remember that the sizeof() mechanism fails if a pointer to the data is passed to a function. That's why the count variable is needed in the first place.
Answer:we have games like alien wars call of duty astro avengers
The closest line to that would be the first line:
echo "Hello World!"
BTW, the "#!" is referred to as a she-bang. When those are the first characters executed, the (requires an absolute path) program that follows is launched, and the rest of this file is given to it as data. To run this like a program, the execute permissions need to be set ( chmod 0755 script.sh ).
d.#include deque
We have to include deque library in order to use a deque container and the syntax to include is #include<deque>.Deque is a double ended queue which is a sequence container and allows operations of contraction and expansion on both ends of the queue.Double ended queues are a special case of simple queue since in simple queue the insertion is from rear end and deletion is from front end but in deque insertion and deletion is possible at both ends rear and front.