Make sure that each box has an arrow going to it or leading from it, if it needs one. Select “Insert,” then “Shapes,” and choose the Text Box option: Page 2 [Algorithm how-to procedure] 2 Drag the cursor across the document to customize the size of the text box. Click inside the box to begin typing.
brainliest pls
A. 4 CPUs and 6 megabyte cache memory
B. 1.3157 x10^-9 nanoseconds
The Intel core i5 7500 is a seventh generation central processing unit with a 4 CPU core and a 6 megabyte cache memory. It executes task at a clock cycle of 5 clock cycle at a speed of 3.8 GHz.
The relationship between frequency and clock cycle is,
Clock cycle = 1 / ( frequent).
So, One clock cycle = 1 / 3.8 GHz
= 0.3 x10^-9
For five clock cycles = 5 x 0.3 x10^-9
= 1.3157 x10^-9 nanoseconds.
USMT (User State Migration Tool) is designed to assist IT professional migrate
files to the windows OS. An example is a step by step migration of files and
settings from a windows XP environment to windows 8 using USMT. At the end of the day, you will have
LoadState a
ScanState to complete this end to end migration. The correct
order is as follows;
1. </span>
Gather Data Using the ScanState Tool</span>
</span>Install USMT
</span>Run ScanState to Create a Migration Store on the
</span>Install Windows
</span>Install Applications
</span>Apply Data Using the LoadState Tool
<span>a) </span>Install the USMT
<span>b) </span> Run LoadState
Thank you for this question. The answer is that an Ip adress stands fo Internet Protocol which acts like a home adress. Bascily it helps you find a node in a network as the IP adress is made of letters and numbers separated by a full stop. I hope you are happy