MY abode is not silent, nor I myself loud voiced; the Lord laid laws upon us, shaped our course together; I am swifter than he,
stronger at times, he more laborious; sometimes I rest; he must needs run on. I ever dwell in him while I live: if we are parted death is my destiny. Explain how this riddle works. Describe the "speaker" of the riddle and tell how each statement about the speaker of its abode fits what you think the speaker is.
When the speaker says that his house is not silent, we can say that he is talking about the river's capacity to have a specific and judicious sound.
The speaker claims that he and the river have the same course, but they change speeds. This refers to the movement of fish and river, which happens simultaneously but at different speeds.
The fish cannot live far from the river, because if they separate, the fish dies, which is why the speaker claims that death is his destiny.
This is a riddle that needs to be interpreted logically and gradually to be solved.
"Growth and change occur as a result of conflict" is the one statement which best illustrates the Ojibwa view on an individual's growth and change, based on<span> "The Origin of the Robin". The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". I hope the answer helped you.</span>