Can you please tell of which Charlie are you talking about ? About Charlie perfume? About Charlie Chaplin? Or other one ? You shoild explain fully.
I think Lady Macbeth wasn't involved at all because Macbeth does not tell her. Also, Macbeth does not want to keep her worried. So Macbeth says "Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, / Till thou applaud the deed.". This means that Macbeth is telling Lady Macbeth to digest the deed about Duncan first. This is what i remember its been a while since i read the book. But hope this helps.
13 personas piensan que ella tenía 14 años pero ella nunca tuvo 14
Gonzalos perspective most likely influences the readers positively and makes them think that they can learn something from the world.
- Gonzalos is the resident teenager who plays the major role in running his family.
- He helps his dad as he could not speak in English. He has to watch over his uncle constantly. He helps his mom plant seeds in the community garden.
- Despite of all these work, he doesn’t complain about it one time. He is just a teenager but his mind is mature to handle such responsibilities. He perceives the world in a different way. According to his perspective we can learn a thing or two from this world.