D. concerned
The speaker seems to care enough to reproduce the many things that the speaker has been told, describing them to us one by one, letting us know the agony that those women felt during that moment, even though it is briefly described.
It is important.
Cause without time management we might get into trouble often. Even if some people manages time they usually do not follow the table they have set.
Ways to manage time:
- ) Set a time table. (not 1× 2× etc) ( If you do nothing that changes in daily life)
1.2) Follow the time table.
2. ) Plan things for the day. ( If you are
interested to do different things everyday)
3. )Revise the things you have planned for a
few days.
Answer: C
It is really needed and is necessary to maintain a safe environment for students.
Students care and priority comes firwt as far as the school is concerned.
It should be a safe and sterile place where parents can brings their kids to.
Sports and games offer students a lot of lessons and values. Other than the fact that sports is good for the health of a student, it also teaches students patience, sportsmanship, and appreciation of hard work. Patience because in order to win games, one has to maintain level headed and cool so that he will not cloud his judgment. Sportsmanship, so that even if one loses, he is not bitter about it and can even congratulate his opponent. And appreciation for hard work because attaining skills is not an easy task.