. What type of phrase or clause is it: He went down the road. Explanation: It has subject and predicate and provides complete meaning independently
A. Landon must decide whether to go on a senior trip now that his best friend cant go.
An internal conflict is a decision that must be made. The decision is usually difficult because there are pros and cons to either side. Even though Jennifer not being able to find the eggs seems like it's only Jennifer's problem, it's not an internal conflict. It is not only taking place within her head. She's actually in a battle with the eggs who are "hiding". Bobi's conflict with the video game console is also external because it's not within her. The cat fighting the dog is a clear cut case of external conflict as it is two different things battling it out.
Since, statistics refer to one topic only that's why it is singular and should have a singular verb after it.
Statistics <u>is</u> mohit's favorite subjects
She thinks that it is a god given gift and incest is ok
A direct quote should NEVER be long-winded and lengthy. You want to try to get the point across in a carefully selected short excerpt, not copy a large portion of someone else's work and insert it into your paper with a little bit of your own writing.