The clause states tgat the US congress has the power to comerce with foreign nations,among several states, and among the Indian tribes
It provided Spain with free Native-American labor to produce more crops cheaply.
The Spanish collected tributes and crops from Native Americans, whom they forced to work for them. Because they didn't have to pay them like they would have to with Spanish laborers, they could harvest more crops for trade and export for a lower cost. This built Spain's economy, allowing even more power and conquest of the New World.
These oral historians called griots serve religious, familial, and societal roles.
Griot is the name given to storytellers, in some peoples of Africa. They have a special function that is to narrate the traditions and events of a people. The custom of sitting under trees or around fires to hear the stories and songs, lasts until today. The griots are also musicians and often the narratives are sung. The Mali Empire, under the command of Soundjata Keita, around the thirteenth century gives remarkable importance to these sages. The construction of oral history is a mark of the ancient African peoples and the griot plays a fundamental role in its structuring.
A is your answer. Have a good day!
-After it is amended or rewritten in its full committee.
-In the house of representatives, a bill goes to the rules committee after it is amended or rewritten in its full committee.
-The House Rules Committee considers all bills reported from policy and fiscal committees and determines whether, and in what order, to schedule their consideration on the floor of the House.
-It also reviews, adopts and schedules consideration of floor resolutions.