1.) Government Corruption
2.) Insufficient Funds
3.) Loss of Job Opportunities
4.) low economic growth
5.) Minimum wages are not sufficient enough to support families
The journalistic value of MODERATISM represents the suspicion journalists often have of extremists on either side of an issue.
Other Basic Journalistic values are Individualism, Social Order, Leadership, Altruistic Democracy, and Responsible Capitalism
Claudius was not evil, but rather a human being surrounded by certain flaws along with his life.
Administratively, the balance of his reign was positive. He extended the frontiers of the empire, restored the rule of law, and imported corn when food was scarce.
However, he had always been thought to somewhat dimwitted. During the reign, if Caligula he developed a reputation for being an alcoholic. He did not have good experiences with women. He ended up getting married 4 times. This caused him a personal deterioration. At the end of his reign, he began losing trust in some of his affiliates. This led to him ordering many executions of people who apparently were conspiring against him.
He is thought to have been killed by his last wife, Agrippina. Who supposedly fed him with poisoned mushrooms.
Instinctive drift
Instinctive drift is a phenomenon that occurs when an animal reverts back to instinctual behaviour, instead of continuing engaing in learned, or trained behaviour.
In this case, the cat's trained behaviour is being hampered by instinctive drift because while it can easily follow Juan's instructions when jumping a food (aided by the great incentive of getting food), it cannot help chasing the ball more than once, because rolling a ball to catch it is a highly instinctual behaviour that the cat practically cannot control.
The 27th Amendment States that "No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened."
This was created to keep Congress from giving themselves a pay raise while in the term.