That life on the ship is changing Charlotte.
Her dress is very messy now, this shows that she does not care enough to wash her dress anymore, probably because life on the ship has made her care less about these kinds of things.
The answer is C,
Use precise, sensory language. :)
I believe the answer is B. Why I chose B? I chose B because connotation is an implied meaning that is associated with a word in addition to its literal meaning. This association can be cultural or emotional.
Bananas = connotation in B
Another connotation
In my eyes, she is like a dove floating on the thermal cloud.
Dove does mean a bird here but an angel

Indirect speech:
The judge asked the lawyer if/whether he would be able to complete his arguments the next day.
The dialogue inside the inverted comma is a interrogative sentence or a question being asked by the Judge to the lawyer, the reporting verb 'asked' will be used.
And as the reporting verb is in past tense, the main verb will also be converted to past tense. The time mentioned 'tomorrow' will change into 'next day'