remains to build a new Laketown
I took the test<3
Nancy Clutter was the last person to go to bed on the night of the murder. On that night, Bobby visited her and left by 11p.m. Nancy noted the time Bobby left in her diary. During the investigation, Bobby was the first suspect apprended by the police since he was the last that visited the Clutters on the night of their murder.
In Cold Blood was written by Truman Capote. The story gives an investigative insight into the murder of the Clutters. Perry and his friend were the perpetrators who were later apprended.
the ancient tale
In this poem, the Swan is a metaphor for the spiritual pursuit of one who treads the path of self-realization. The metaphor refers to the ability of the bird to move between different planes of reality (earth, water, air) without clinging to any of them.
In the poem Kabir indicates a place where the swan can be free of doubt and sadness, this place would be the heaven that the author compares with an old tale in the passage:
"There, woods flourish in everlasting spring,
And its fragrance makes us move forward more and more.
Immersed in it, the heart, like a bee, was inebriated.
Immense in her, she no longer wants any joy"
I am unable to see the sentences.
I would go ahead with D but I am sorry if I am wrong. Please let me know if I am wrong