Sampling, mark and recapture, indirect observation, and direct observation
Lincoln thought of making a colony for freed blacks in Central or South America however the idea was argued by American Negroes and some leaders themselves, hence Lincoln abandoned the idea. He was faced with a great dilemma that he felt the Constitution did not give him or the Congress authority to infringe on a state's right to allow slavery itself. It would also mean that citizenship of a slave would mean to allow blacks to serve in the Civil War as soldiers but he was reluctant to do so. Thus the idea of emancipation occurred. The Emancipation Proclamation would be issued reluctantly because Lincoln knew that this proclamation would be perceived as a humanitarian gesture, resulting in the border states seceding and there will be more serious racial backlash in the northern cities, plus reducing the chances of receiving financial support from England or France to the south.
The answers is "Black Panthers and American Indian Movement (AIM)."
In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union.Gorbachev saw that the arms race with the United States and the war in Afghanistan had the potential to bankrupt the Soviet Union. Gorbachev was a reformer. He believed that political and economic reforms went together, and if the Soviet economy was not reformed, it could collapse Under his policy of glasnost—speaking openly about Soviet problems—Soviet citizens were allowed to criticize the government.Finally, Gorbachev wanted to improve relations with the United States. In 1987, Gorbachev and Reagan agreed to a new arms treaty in which the Soviet Union and the United States each pledged to eliminate short- and medium-range nuclear missiles.
B) All citizens are involved in making laws.