To gain raw materials and to expand and get more land .
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact
In the mid 1950's, the tensions between the communist east and capitalist west were constantly on the rise. This led to the formation of military alliances from both sides. The Western countries formed NATO, a military organization initially consisted of USA, Canada, and Western European countries. The Soviets responded adequately, and they formed the Warsaw Pact with their allies, which was also a military organization. The reason for the formation of these two organizations was to protect the interests of the member countries, be it safety, political, economical, social, or zones of influence. Both organizations were constantly pilling up more and more weaponry and were constantly increasing the armies, heavily investing in its development, equipment, and training.
There are several factors of the end of the Cold War. The economies of the Soviet Union and of the Easten Bloc had become stagnated and technologically backward. The subsequent worsening of living standards and the aggravation of longtime, unsolved social issues made the situation even more complicated. The perestroika and the glasnost initiated by Soviet secretary-general Mikhail Gorbachev intented to promote social, political and economic reforms but they did not succeed; they brought instead instability and protests in the Soviet republics. Besides, the election of Ronald Reagan as US president put additional pressure on the USSR. Reagan promoted systems of new weapons and an ambitious space program that could not have been matched by Moscow. This combination of economic, social and diplomatic factors led to the end of the Cold War.
After the end of the Cold War, the US became the only superpower. With confidence after what it saw as its "victory" in the Cold War, American foreign policy became more unilateral.
-But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again.
-Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start.
-Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song.
The country I am fighting for France. They started the trenches of WWl.