First the common denominator has to be 6. So to get to 6 you multiply the 2 by 3 and the numerator by 3 giving 3 over 6 then you multiply 3 times 2 to get to 6 so the following fraction is 2 over 6. So when u add the two together it gives you 5 6ths
x = 7
y = 0
Step-by-step explanation:
Close, but not quite.
Step-by-step explanation:
13.50=1.50+ .6x
Here is a list of the odd number paired
1+3, 1+5, !+7, and !+9 (there are 4 unique sums - 4, 6,8 and 10)
3+5, 3+7, 3+9 (notice I did not pair 3 with 1 and the the only new sum is 12)
5+7, 5+9 (the only new sum is 14)
7+9 (16 is a new sum)
The sums (no repeats) are 4,6,8,10,12,14 and 16 for a total of seven numbers.
My answer to the question is 34.0