Throughout the document attached elsewhere here, the overview including its concern is mentioned.
- Bearing is perhaps the approach to almost the same position in degrees, determined by that of the angle created either byline that connects two points with either the accordance that connects the present position as well as north.
- Google Earth does indeed have a ruler function through one position to something else that could even conveniently measure bearings. I was using it to render the bearings measurement.
The Smithsonian American art Natural History Museum measures 74.67 degrees from either the Washington Monument.
A trend is seen in developing countries that people are transitioning from eating grains to eating meat which can be a challenge for the global agribusiness system.
This is so because due to more consumption of meat, the quantity of food or crops produced is more than needed and sell at very lower prices which affects the agribusiness system. People are finding meat as healthier (protein source) and chemical-free and consuming it for health benefits, that left the grains and crop market at a lower price.
Hence, eating meat is a challenge for the global agribusiness system.
The Origin of Halloween
The Celtic festival known as Samhain is believed to be the predecessor of modern Halloween. Samhain marked the end of the Celtic harvest season. It was also the start of the Celtic New Year. The date for the New Year was October 31. On this day, the Celts believed that the lines separating the living and the dead dissipated.
During this time, evil spirits were said to roam the Earth. To combat these forces, the Celts would don masks. This aspect in the history of Halloween helps explain the tradition of watching scary costumes during the festival.
Where the Name Came From
Halloween got its name from Hallowe’en. This in turn was derived from All Hallow’s Eve. During the 9th century, the church changed the date of All Saint’s Day or All Hallows’ Day from May 13 to November 1. November 2 was then declared as the day of the dead.
For this reason, October 31 became known as All Hallows’ Eve. Despite the move of the church, the festival remained very popular among the people.
b. the porous and permeable, saturated cone of depression in an aquitard.
An aquifer is an underground layer of water, surrounded by a porous, and saturated layer of water bearing rock. The aquifer is lined by a layer of bed of low permeability along its length. This layer is called an aquitard, and it usually forms a depression.
More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities. As climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.
Hope this helps