For each paragraph, identify a quote that demonstrates contrast. Identify any words in that quote that specifically signal contr
ast. Then, write an analytical sentence that incorporates the quote and points to a greater message. Paragraph 1 is an example.
Paragraph 1:
1. Quote: “...things that were common in Her neighborhood, absent in mine.”
2. Contrast clue word(s): “common” vs. “absent”
3. Analytical sentence:
Morrison’s comment “things that were common in Her neighborhood, absent in mine” shows that Morrison was aware that she and her employer were exposed to different worlds.
Paragraph 2: I knew how to scrub floors on my knees and how to wash clothes in our zinc tub, but I had never seen a Hoover vacuum cleaner or an iron that wasn’t heated by fire.
In paragraph 2, the quote is: I knew how to scrub floors on my knees; but I had never seen a Hoover vacuum cleaner.
The contrast clue words are "Knew" vs. "never seen."
Analytical Sentence:
The speaker's knowledge of scrubbing the floors and her ignorance of the Hoover vacuum cleaner shows that she was not exposed to modern technologies.
In the sentences provided, we see that contrast is drawn between the speaker's knowledge of the vacuum cleaner and her inexperience in the use of the Hoover Vacuum cleaner.
This contrast exposes the fact that she was not used to modern appliances.