There is hope in hatred if you allow it. You have to allow yourself to see the good in a hatred situation. There is a good side to everything. Find some similarities between the other and yourself. I might not be of any help with the scenes because to be honest, I've never seen it. But I have heard of it and had have some real-life experience. If you allow hatred to overpower itself within you, then you might not get through life. You will have a weight put on your shoulders and you would feel guilty. Guiltiness leads to bad thoughts (suicidal etc.). To prevent that you have to make a compromise within the hate and love. I hope this helps you. Don't let my rank fool you. I'm actually dumb.
I’d say A. should learn how to age gracefully
Juliet’s father arranges for her to marry Paris, but Juliet has already secretly married Romeo.
Answer: B) does Han’s statement change your opinion at all?