This summer was awesome. I did a ton of cool things and learned a lot.
In June I got a new SIMS game where you can make mermaids and go scuba diving in the ocean! I spent lots of time every day making new characters and watching them get mauled by sharks. It was super educational. Who knew that sharks are just as likely to attack a mermaid as they are a human? And that mermaids bleed red blood? I also designed some cool houses. Like 183 of them. Since I’m thinking of one day designing giant houses with many rooms that do not connect and backyards that contain every recreational item there possibly is, it was time well spent.
In the story written by John Steinbeck, it can be seen that the turtle was into a lot of hardship from the state of the road, the grassland, and the person from a truck passing by which almost tipped it over. The turtle is a symbol of perseverance, transformation through struggles, and aggression.
I believe c. i the correct choice because everythinhg they mentioned could simply be said as their bodies