Derrubar a autocracia do czar Nicolau II e empoderar a classe operária que era maioria na Rússia
Mineral industry
The most important industry in the American industrial development process is the mineral industry. In industrialization in general, the use of energy and mineral resources is essential.
The U.S. has a large diversity of mineral deposits, such as coal and iron, which are abundant. However, there is a dependence on petroleum due to the decrease in oil reserves and other minerals, making it the largest importer of minerals in the world.
We can see this because the U.S. is the nation that most consumes these resources. The proof of this is the American's cars, with their majority having powerful engines of 8, 10, and 12 cylinders, which consume much fuel.
India and China
India and China dominated the world economic activity at the time of Columbus voyage in 1492 that discovered the New World. Trade very much conducted within the region between Asia and Europe through the Silk Route. The Silk Route is one of the oldest trade routes that linked China to the western world. The Silk Road routes stretched from China through India, then reached to Europe crossing the deserts. Some of the goods that traded were silk, tea, porcelain, sugar, ivory, spices, cotton, wool, gold, and silver.
Pachacuti-Cusi Yupanqui
He was the leader of the Incas during a time of expansion and conquest
They wanted a process that makes people live freely but not to free so people stay safe.