The Nitrogen Returns into the Soil (Nitrogen Cycle)
After a plant dies it's the job of a decomposer to carry along the nitrogen back to the surface so that it may continue to cycle along, until it eventually returns back to the decomposer through the death of another plant. This part of the cycle is small compared to the whole Nitrogen cycle.
a. to treat a disease characterized by a gene that is not expressed.
The RNA interference (RNAi) technique is widely used in molecular biology to inhibit target gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. The RNAi technology uses small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) consisting of 18-22 nucleotides that bind to complementary acid nucleics (i.e., DNA and RNA), thereby inhibiting target gene expression. Recently, it has interestingly been discovered that small RNA sequences targeting promoter regions can also be used to activate the expression of endogenous target genes through a mechanism called RNA activation (RNAa).
Yes, because natural selection is when only those whose alleles are made for the organisms' fitness
Commensal bacteria are friendly bacteria in the large intestine.
These bacteria produce Vitamin K and Biotin (a B Vitamin). The bacteria may be
a source of these vitamins, but if a person depends solely on the bacteria for
these vitamins, the person may become vitamin-deficient especially if they are
treated with antibiotics that can kill commensal bacteria.