hey (example name) emily,
I miss you so much, we've been so busy lately and havent been able to see eachother, i hope this changes soon. anyway, I wanted to tell you about what happened in school the other day, an alum came to visit my acting class, but it wasn't some struggling, one role, small part, starving actoress; it was THE (example actor) Emma Watson! As in Harry potter. she had people traveling with her as she knew people might surround her, and they did. She talked about her experience as a child actress and how the world of acting is no joke. We performed for her and she gave us notes on our scenes. when I was performing she told me I was incredible, although she did have some suggestions on how I could improve, she is EMMA WATSON, and as she was making her suggestions she went on the stage and told me how to stand. She also said that I was tense and should losen up, she grabbed my hands and told me there is nothing to fear. long story short I am NEVER washing these hands again!
talk soon?
Word choice affects the tone, imagery, and voice of a written piece. Just as you use your tone of voice to demonstrate to others how you feel, in writing you use your words to communicate your attitude toward a subject. Tone can be positive or negative, happy or sad, angry or peaceful, hopeful or desperate, and so on.
Ethos = using character, credibility and ethics to persuade
Pathos = using emotions and passion to persuade
Logos = using logical and evidence to persuade
The quote that you shared is an example of evidence, and evidence is logos