One subject, one verb -- simple sentence
2 or more simple sentences, put together with a semi-colon or comma or conjunction -- compound sentence
one independent clause, one or more dependent clauses -- complex sentence
2 or more independent clauses and 1 or more dependent ones -- compound-complex sentences
In the final scene of the story in “The Wife of Bath's Tale,” the ugly old woman transforms herself into a beautiful young wife. How do you know she might be a fairy? A. Only fairies have the power to transform themselves. B. The Wife of Bath suggests the existence of fairies when she frames the tale. C. The old woman is so wise she must be something more than human.
The Answer would be "C."
Thank you, I hope you have a good morning as well!
Through their art, children express how they feel, think and view the world. ... Through art children use their creativity to plan, design and construct an idea. They experiment with form, line, movement, shapes and spatial relationships. They learn science and math skills as they manipulate materials.