Transcription factors are necessary for an initiation of transcription at a regulated gene but not sufficient.
Transcription is the first step of gene expression in which DNA molecule is copied (transcribed) into RNA (mRNA) by RNA polymerase. The process of transcription is divided into three phases:
1. Initiation
• RNA polymerase with transcriptional factors bind to gene promoter Transcription factors can enhance the interaction between RNA polymerase and a DNA sequence- promoter, encouraging the expression of the gene. Such transcription factors are called activators. Otherwise, when the gene expression is inhibited, factors are called repressors and they bind to sequence –operator.
• RNA polymerase unwinds DNA double helix (transcription bubble is formed)
2. Elongation
• RNA polymerases adds nucleotides complementary to DNA
3. Termination
• RNA polymerase gets to stop codon (transcribes a sequence of DNA known as a terminator)
• Formed complementary RNA strand is released from DNA-RNA complex
When atoms in a covalent bond share electrons unequally (one atoms pulls more than the other), the bond is said to be a polar bond is formed when electrons are unequally shared between two atoms. Polar covalent bonding occurs because one atom has a stronger affinity for electrons than the other (yet not enough to pull the electrons away completely and form an ion).
queen annes war was also called the war of spanish succession.
How was the naming of organisms different before carolus Linnaeus: Before Linnaeus came up with a standardized system of naming, there were often many names for a single species, and these names tended to be long and confusing. Linnaeus decided that all species names should be in Latin and should have two parts. Remember, this 2-part system is called binomial nomenclature///////.