A stem cell is a cell that has layers of bacteria that helps protect the water that follows through it.
Mitosis produces identical cells
Meiosis produces cells that are different from the original cell
Don't pollute the Earth.
Don't need gas.
A eukaryotic cell has far more organelles and most prominently, has a nucleus. A prokaryotic cell stores it's DNA in it's cytoplasm.
The major structural difference between chromatin and chromosomes is that the latter are more organized and condensed.
Chromatin is genetic material packaged into a complex by special proteins (histones). That complex is in the form of uncoiled structures, so chromatin fibers are long and thin. Chromatin structure is permissive to DNA replication, transcription and recombination events.
On the other hand, chromosomes are highly condensed structures of genetic material that are formed just before the cell division.