Humans are responsible for many extinctions, such as killing animals for their fur, fins, or horns until there's no more animals left to repopulate. The earth would have hundreds, maybe even thousands of other species if humans hadn't killed so many. Another way humans have caused extinctions is because of global warming destroying the polar ice caps. The heat melts the ice caps and animals in the poles are unable to survive in such a high temperature. It also kills plants, and reptiles who cannot control their heat. However, that's not the end of it. The extra water washes off debris off of the coast of shores until all of it is in the middle of the ocean, eaten by unsuspecting animals and destroying them from the inside out. Toxic fumes such as facory smog and burning gasoline kills birds and high-flying insects or defects their offspring to where they can no longer operate.
In conclusion, humans are behind so many deaths and extinctions without being very aware.
Human activities that influence the extinction and endangerment of wild species fall into a number of categories: (1) unsustainable hunting and harvesting that cause mortality at rates that exceed recruitment of new individuals, (2) land use practices like deforestation, urban and suburban development, agricultural ...