The answer is D.
Botany Bay was where they first ever settled and it's close to Sydney around the coast area.
Small cliffs, hills, beaches, lakes and streams are the landforms that cover long island.
The U.S. Supreme Court hands down its decision on Sanford v. Dred Scott, a case that intensified national divisions over the issue of slavery.
In 1834, Dred Scott, a slave, had been taken to Illinois, a free state, and then Wisconsin territory, where the Missouri Compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery. Scott lived in Wisconsin with his master, Dr. John Emerson, for several years before returning to Missouri, a slave state. In 1846, after Emerson died, Scott sued his master’s widow for his freedom on the grounds that he had lived as a resident of a free state and territory. He won his suit in a lower court, but the Missouri supreme court reversed the decision. Scott appealed the decision, and as his new master, J.F.A. Sanford, was a resident of New York, a federal court decided to hear the case on the basis of the diversity of state citizenship represented. After a federal district court decided against Scott, the case came on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which was divided along slavery and antislavery lines; although the Southern justices had a majority.
During the trial, the antislavery justices used the case to defend the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise, which had been repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. The Southern majority responded by ruling on March 6, 1857, that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and that Congress had no power to prohibit slavery in the territories. Three of the Southern justices also held that African Americans who were slaves or whose ancestors were slaves were not entitled to the rights of a federal citizen and therefore had no standing in court. These rulings all confirmed that, in the view of the nation’s highest court, under no condition did Dred Scott have the legal right to request his freedom. The Supreme Court’s verdict further inflamed the irrepressible differences in America over the issue of slavery, which in 1861 erupted with the outbreak of the American Civil War.
Egypt's entrance into the Second Intermediate Period was caused by decentralization and quarreling, which left it helpless against assault by the Hyksos, who mounted a hostile that succeeded to a great extent due to the component of shock and their military leeway of steeds, chariots, and composite bows. The time of control by the Hyksos is recorded as "run by remote sovereigns" and at last offered path to the Middle Kingdom in the mid-1500s BCE, as Kamose and afterward Ahmose effectively crushed the Hyksos and drove them out of Egypt. In this way, Egypt tried to recapture the domain it had lost under the Hyksos and in the long run vanquished as far north as the Levant close Syria and south into Nubia.