Characters :
Macbeth - WAVERING
Banquo - MEEK
<span>Duncan - LOYAL
Macbeth was so ambitious that he did everything against his better judgement to become the King of Scotland. He was easily influence by his wife.
Lady Macbeth was a strong willed ambitious evil woman who craves power.
As he says to Horatio right before the duel with Laertes, "The readiness is all. Let be." The third philosophical question Hamlet raises is the question of death. There's no shortage of death in this play; and it comes in many forms.
Grendel is an evil and a monstrous creature. It totally hates the happiness and the smile in any of the men’s face. So every night it enters the hall and kills all the men that provide him happiness and satisfaction.
He wants to end the noise and happiness of every men. For this purpose the Grendel enters the hall and attacks all the men severely. He killed 30 men and continued for the next night.
The first one answer is the correct answer