Fear of punishment
It is witnessed by Douglas on two occasions how badly Colonel Lloyd treats his slaves. In the first incident, the Colonel hit two of his slaves for minute faults that occur in his stable, even for faults outside the control of the slaves. the second incident was when the Colonel hid his identity and asked one of his slaves about how the Colonel was treating him, when the slave responded that he was ill treated, he was sold.
Alas! I'm lost in the wilderness.
An interjection is a word that expresses a strong emotion. It expresses emotion of joy, sorrow, excitement, wonder surprise, pain, sadness, happiness, and so on. Interjections are usually specific words such as 'Hurrah, Wow, Oh, Ouch, Huh'.
Although vandalism is illegal I believe that this punishment is very cruel. First, yes vandalism can negatively affect other people. But what if it’s just a student showing off their creativity in an abandoned building. I also believe that this pushing is harsh even if the situation was different. If someone was to vandalize a private property it is better for them to pay the damages; and complete a certain amount of community service hours. People will learn their lesson after completing a vast amount of community work.
- First of all, when you are writing a letter you should write your full address, including your zip code and then the address of your sister. You should also write the date and then you can start with:
Dear sister Maya,
I am writing to you because I know that this is a hard time for you. You are strong and you should be aware of your good manners.
Our parents were always proud of you and they trust you a lot, you should trust them too. I think that you must sit down with yourself and think about this situation.
You were always special and smart, so I am suggesting you act smartly now. I know that you want to act like that but don't. I think that it will be best for all of us.
Anna M.