The answer is "The first choice".
The terrane is a lithosphere part that was added in a plate collider mostly on edge of a continent. These all such blocks of global fragments or oceans have met and now are permanently bound to one world. Throughout the deeper portion of all continents, except North America, fairy shrimp tend to reach adulthood or over time from the outside.
Siberia is extremely chilly in comparison with substantial land Russia, it has outstanding organic materials and oil. The southern coast of Siberia (South East) have excellent sort of wood for paper. For this reason most valuable to Russia and the republics because of expansion of industries and trade that has led to greater exploitation of the natural resources
hope this helps
The heat equation can be written as. ∂ u ∂ t = α ∇ 2 u. where u(x, y, t) is the temperature field that varies in space and time, and α is the thermal diffusivity constant.