Using mobile phones has lots of advantages and disadvantages and most you will be aware of that. Earlier days, when we are out of home or office, we need to search for a public telephone booth to make a phone call, but now, just pick up your mobile phone and dial. I am trying to list the Pros and cons of using a mobile phone in this post. Advantages of using a mobile phone You are always connected, anybody who knows your mobile number can contact you. If you are travelling out of your territory...
Google that man, you don't need to use brainly, look for synonyms of critical, but that info should be in the defenition.
He is not concerned about it.
As he didn´t went out to the porch running, but barely steps closer to take a glance at what was happening, he seems relaxed and not concerned at all with what just happened, this means that he does not care, nor is interested in learning more about it, he isn´t also disappointed that it wasn´t more excited, he just doesn´t care.