The author suggests that anthropology is unique among other disciplines such as economics or history because our perspective begins with statistics.
- Anthropology means the study of human and their development.
- The study of humans may differ from place to place. This is study is based on the statistics.
- Statistical data can be analyzed and they can be found to which period this material belongs to. Due to this history can be found.
- From the History only Economics can be found. Statistical data place a major role in creating the history and the economic status of material, country or even the whole world.
- In the world everything as its history.
a decreasing trend in the number of temper tantrums.
ABAB design also known withdrawal or reversal design is a design used in experimental study of behaviour to measure the effects of a treatment on a particular baseline information by measuring a baseline information A, then applying a treatment B on A, thereafter, treatment B is withdrawn from A for a period, and finally treatment B is applied again to A to measure the effects of change caused by the treatment. This design is given by :
A - baseline established
B - treatment offered
A - withdraw treatment for a time
B - offer treatment again to show effectiveness of the treatment