Technical because technical language refers to the skills or terminologies that are typically best understood by people who specialize in that field or area.
I think that the qualities that belong to Rachel Winslow from ''In His Steps'' are : gifted voice, attractive, bitter. I choose these adjectives because she is a singer at First Church with impressively beatiful appearence who seek a rich man for marriage to make her dream come true- that's why she is bitter, she denies proposal of a nice guy to find somebody filled with wealth.
Mary Brown's dog symbolizes the child in a way the police can get away with the killing even if the child or citizens are innocent.
The police showing no remorse about killing an innocent life of the dog/child demonstrates the corruption of the environment there.
The wages that you make, after taxes have been taken out, is called your net pay
Rainsford does not hold human life on the same level as animal life. For Rainsford hunting is a sport or a means to gain food, not a mere even to simply kill for the love of killing.
Zaroff's ideas counter this in that Zaroff has progressed to the point where killing humans, the most intelligent beings, has become a sport to him.
The bottom line is that the two men have different world views which influence their actions.