What will happen is the file will be open by someone else and will be open as read only. I hope this helps!
Yes , usually before you sign up for a website or app it will warn you and tell you what the app or website will have access to and what will gained through using the website or app
Here you go, Change it however you'd like :)
import random as r
def play_round(p1, p2):
cards = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,"J","Q","K","A"]
play1 = r.choice(cards)
play2 = r.choice(cards)
while play1 == play2:
play1 = r.choice(cards)
play2 = r.choice(cards)
if cards.index(play1) > cards.index(play2):
return f"{p1}'s Card: {play1}\n{p2}'s Card: {play2}\nThe Winner is {p1}"
return f"{p1}'s Card: {play1}\n{p2}'s Card: {play2}\nThe Winner is {p2}"