The two principal catalysts for the Information Age have been computers and communication networks.
Since the invention of computers and internet, people can get the information they need faster than ever before due to the ease of use of both technologies and the relatively cheap price of acquiring the technology.
by phone and by wifi internett
The Corrections icon
In Office 2010, 2013, 2016, you can adjust the brightness, contrast, and the sharpness of a picture. This can be achieved by using the corrections tool. Assuming you already have the picture, click on it and on the Format tab, under the Pictures tools, in the Adjust group, click Corrections. Under the Sharpen/Soften or the Brightness/Contrast, you can click the thumbnails that you want to make adjustments.
If (sales >= 10000)
commission = 0.2;
public class num9 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum =0;
int num =5;
for(num =5; num<=500; num+=5){
sum +=num;
- Declare and initialize the variables sum and num
- Use a for loop with the condition for(num =5; num<=500; num+=5) Since the loop will increment by 5 and run from 5 to 500
- Within the loop, add num to sum at each iteration
- Print all elements on seperate lines
- Outside the loop, print the final value of sum
Create a for loop