O And.
Transition words are those words that act as the "glue" to connect ideas in a sentence or indicate the words or phrases that are connected for a better understanding of the readers. They are words such as "and", "again", "so" "but" etc.
In the given passage, there are several transition words used. But the one transition word that is used to indicate that additional information is being added is the use of the word "and".
Thus, the correct answer is "and".
Tis is blamnk space to fill uap spcae for tis answer to count.
As I reached home, I realised that I had forgotten the keys. there was still an hour for my brother to turn up. so I, decided to go to the terrce to enjoy the cold breeze
just as I reached the terrce, I received a call on my mobile phone from my best friend. l started walking on the terrace while discussing the day's happenings with my friend. After some time,it started getting dark but that didn't deter me as I didn't get scared easily. I continued talking on the phone and was laughing at my friend's joke when I heard some footsteps behind me. l immediately turned to see who it was. on finding nobody on the terrace, I discarded the whole thing as a figment of my imagination and resumed talking on the phone.
I heard footsteps behind me again and I could feel my hair standing on end. with a lot of courage, I turned around and just then the terrace door closed with a loud sound. the phone fell from my shivering hand and I screamed at the top of my voice. just then I heard my brother's loud laughter. l had lost track of time while talking on the phone and my brother had taken advantage of the situation to play a practical joke on me.
Hope it's help
The definition of "tone" in literature is the way the author expresses his attitude through his writing. The tone can change very quickly or may remain the same throughout the story. Tone is expressed by your use of syntax, your point of view, your diction, and the level of formality in your writing.
When he dies 3 nights after the meeting, 3 younger pigs— Napoleon, Squealer, and Snowball,formulate his main principles into a philosophy and called it as Animalism- the fundamentals of which they spread amongst the other animals