they surprised the Persians by crossing the Aegean sea to attack
The Greeks crushed the weaker Persian foot soldiers by routing the wings before turning towards the center of the Persian line. The remnants of the Persian army fled to their ships and left the battle. Herodotus records that 6,400 Persian bodies were counted on the battlefield; the Athenians lost only 192 men.
Reliance on individual activity I believe
African Americans must demand to receive equal treatment under the law.
Add a comment if i'm right!
Small businesses are estimated to employ about 70 per cent of the world’s workforce and contribute around half of the world’s GDP. In less developed countries, small businesses are typically even more important to employment and GDP. But many – particularly those not used to doing things digitally – face tough times as the pandemic continues.
A four-strong panel explored the greatest challenges faced by small businesses during the pandemic; how public and private sectors have collaborated to drive economic resilience and digitisation among small businesses; and how governments can best help small businesses understand and prepare for the world beyond the pandemic.
It went against the ideals of freedom on which the nation was founded. </h2>
The Declaration of Independence (1776) famously asserted: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights," and "that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." For the principle embedded in the Declaration of Independence to ring true in America, those words need to be applied to all humanity -- including non-white and non-male persons. For the government to derive its powers justly from the consent of the governed, African Americans needed to be counted as citizens and included as voters.
The Republican Party platform in 1860 pointed out the paradox between America's ideals and the continuation of slavery. The Republicans, whose presidential candidate was Abraham Lincoln, rejected the idea that the Constitution allowed for the extension of slavery into any or all of the territories of the United States as "a dangerous political heresy." The party platform went on to say that "the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom ... We deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals, to give legal existence to slavery in any territory of the United States."