Probably scoff at it briefly then go back to trying to survive in the absolute terrible working conditions, probably get my arms torn off by the old extremely dangerous machinery.
(obviously this is my personal answer, I'm not going to look it up)
"Trickle-down": supply-side economics creates tax cuts for the wealthy.
Supply-side economics suggests tax cuts for the wealthy. Those tax cuts will be used to create new jobs. New jobs will give more money to the middle-class.
This economic policy makes sense in theory and in some cases the tax cuts resulted in more jobs and higher wages. However, mostly it led to a large gap in wealth as the wealthy kept the money instead of reinvesting in jobs and wages. Eventually as the US moved industry overseas, tax cuts for the wealthy meant the expansion of jobs overseas instead of American jobs. Meanwhile the middle-class pay higher taxes to make up for the loss of taxes from the upper class.
The Vidya Mandir Scheme (VMS) was introduced in the Central Provinces to provide basic education in small villages. From the very beginning there was outright opposition to the name of the scheme on provincial and on the all India level including objections raised within Congress ranks itself.Explanation:
Answer and Explanation:
O Ceará pe um estado do Nordeste Brasileiro e é limitado pelo Oceano Atlantico, além de apresentar divisas com os estados da Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernanbuco e Piaui. O ceará é considerado o oitavo estado mais populoso do Brasil, apresentando cerca de 8,843 milhões de habitantes, que estão distribuídos em 184 municipios.
A capital do Estado é Fortaleza, porém outras cidades importantes são Juazeiro do Norte, Sobral, Caucaia, Horizonte, Maranguape e Maracanaú.
O estado é muito conhecido pela quantidade de humoristas que nasceram nele, além de ser muito visitado pela religiosidade, pois é um local com forte infleuncia cristã católica, sendo a cidade de Juzeiro do Norte um grande ponto turistico para os fiéis.
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