Priority Tag is to be mentioned in Sitemaps
Various priority values range from 0.1 to 1.0. The highest priority page has the priority value = 1.0, and the lowest priority page has a value of 0.0, and the priority value varies with the priority of the page. And these values are assigned to the priority tag in the sitemap. The sitemap, in fact, is the XML file through which we can set the priority of a webpage.
1. Clients and servers—how services such as e-mail and web pages connect using networks.
2. IP addresses—how devices on a network can be found.
3. Network hubs, switches and cables—the hardware building blocks of any network.
4. Routers and firewalls—how to organize and control the flow of traffic on a network.
data source
The main aim of a data source is for the gathering of all necessary information that is needed to access a data. Since he has used the information to create a pie chart, this means that some data were used for the creation of this pie chart. Hence the information used for the creation of the pie chart is the data source for the information illustrated on the pie chart.