Technological advances increased profit and productivity
Explanation: La guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos fue un conflicto bélico que enfrentó a las Trece Colonias británicas originales en América del Norte contra el Reino de Gran Bretaña. Ocurrió entre 1775 y 1783, finalizando con la derrota británica en la batalla de Yorktown y la firma del Tratado de París.
The French and the British had a conflict over the Ohio river valley because of the control over fur trading. The Britishers tried to take the business away from the French by offering the locals more goods against fewer furs. The French had originally taken control over the Ohio river valley before the Britishers tried to get entry into the valley. The French did not take this heavy handedness of the Britishers lightly and so they started creating a line of forts. These forts were built to protect the fur traders from the invading Britishers. Many British settlers also started ariving in the Ohio river valley and this was not taken gladly by the French.
I think the best answer from the choices listed is "C"....
For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired. When workers unite, they make things better for everyone. That's why unions were created to stand up together for fair wages, safe workplaces and decent work hours. There are millions of union members in Canada who know that by standing together, they can accomplish great things for themselves and all workers.