1. breakable 2.unbelievable 3. drinkable 4. achievable 5. plausible 6. serviceable 7. insensitivity 8. possible
Part A) A: Sometimes the pain of a loss can be soothed by a gift of new life.
Part B) B: "Tonight for the first time, with her infant, Waterlily, asleep beside her, she was again completely happy."
because you shouldn't hate others for being different, and don't be racist :)
A reference to Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing" => "I, Too". Langston Hughes' poem adds the African American identity to Whitman's list of ordinary people who constitute and contribute to American collective identity.
Paradox of social injustice => "I, Too". Hughes depicts the social inequality of black people, who are traditionally confined to servitude. He hopes, however, that this will change eventually.
Uses set meter and rhyme scheme => "From the Dark Tower". The poem's rhyme scheme is ABBA.
Symbol of wasted effort => "From the Dark Tower". Black people are the ones who plant, while white people reap.
Stone of anger and resentment => "From the Dark Tower". It depicts black people's anger at being constantly and systematically oppressed.
Uses free verse => "I, Too". Hughes' poem has a conversational tone. The free verse depicts the inner freedom that the speaker feels, and wants to transform into real freedom and equality.
In Barrio Boy, the author expressed his feelings about his childhood in the below excerpt:
"During the next few weeks Miss Ryan overcame my fears of tall, energetic teachers as she bent over my desk to help me with a word in the pre-primer. Step by step, she loosened me and my classmates from the safe anchorage of the desks for recitations at the black board and consultations at her desk."
This reveals that during his childhood days, he had fears as a first grader which could have hindered him from learning English Language, being bold and from blending with other children from other nationalities.
Ernesto Galarzo, in Barrio Boy wrote about his experiences right from childhood when his family migrated from Mexico to America. He further reveals the struggles which he faced trying to adapt to life in America. The story centers on a dramatic autobiography of the process of a boy from a Mexican village to a somewhat hectic and complex life.
Galarzo was a Mexican-American writer, storyteller, poet and activist.