To perform photosynthesis, violet light is the most important color, and it's from these wavelengths that plants get most of their energy. The reason for this is because out of the visible spectrum, red light is the longest wavelength light that the photosynthesis process can use, but it has the least energy
The structure and function of the chromosome are different in both the prokaryotic chromosome and eukaryotic chromosome. They differ in their size as the genetic information they carry is different from one another.
Eukaryotic chromosome have a different shape from the prokaryotic chromosome as the bacterial chromosome is circular and less complex due to no histone found in prokaryotes as we see in the eukaryotic chromosome. SIze of the bacterial or prokaryotic chromosome is also small and not found in condensed form as these cells carry less genetic information than eukaryotic cells.
Soil Tillage, Climate Change and Soil Carbon Sequestration
An empidemic because it kills more people than we can count