Roman Government- levied heavy taxes on people
Roman Emperors-fought among themselves
Barbarian tribes-disrupted trade routes
- According to the late fourth-century author Vegetius, troops wore armor up to the reign of Gratian, when they began to complain about how heavy it was and asked the emperor to forbid them from wearing it. Although historians debate this, Egypt, which was a part of the more prosperous Eastern Roman Empire, is the only location where Roman armor from the fifth century has been discovered.
- After the division of the empire in 395, the West fared poorly. Prior East-West partitions had given the West the important province of Illyricum (modern Yugoslavia more or less). According to records, Gaul and Illyricum accounted for 56% of military recruitment between 284 and 476. In fact, helping to reclaim Illyricum to use for military recruiting was one of the reasons the Roman commander Stillicho attempted to form an alliance with the Gothic king Alaric. It was difficult to raise enough taxes to support a sizable military army due to the loss of wealthier provinces like Egypt to the Eastern empire and the fact that Gaul's economy had not yet recovered from the devastation of its towns during the Crisis of the Third Century.
- When Theodosius' East Roman forces beat the Western army, it was still reeling from the disastrous loss at the Battle of Frigidus River.
- Barbarian tribes with conflicted allegiance made up the majority of the army in the fifth century. The Suevic king Rechiar and a Gothic princess had a son named Ricimer. He killed the emperor when Majorian returned home from his expedition in North Africa against the Vandals. Perhaps he had grudges against Majorian for retaking Spain from the Sueves and the Goths (which collapsed against after his death). With the brief exception of Anthemius, who was imposed on the West by an Eastern Roman army, Ricimer governed through puppet emperors until his death in 472. After Anthemius killed himself by killing a follower of his named Romanus, Ricimer and Anthemius engaged in a civil war. Before the Eastern empire launched another expedition, Gundobad—the subsequent military leader and Ricimer's nephew—appointed Glycerius as the western emperor and departed Italy to become the Burgundians' king. During his brief reign as emperor in 475, Julius Nepos named Roman Orestes as Magister Militum (commander in chief of the army) and appointed him to rule over what was left of Roman Gaul (Provence). However, he abandoned Gaul and struck a deal with the barbarians in which he asked them to support him as emperor in exchange for one-third of Italy. After being expelled from Italy, Julius Nepos went to Dalmatia, where he was killed in 480. The western kingdom was toppled in 476 when Orestes betrayed his pledges to the barbarians. Odovocar, the barbarian ruler of Italy (perhaps from the Heruli tribe), put an end to the empire in the west.
•Germany under the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler
•Germany being increasingly hostile and thinking anyone who isn’t if the Aryan race was subhuman
•Germany declaring war and attacking Poland for land in Sept. 1st, 1939.
•France and The UK already had hostilities to Germany before the war are rivalries and the political tensions just sped things up.
A flapper is the word used in 1920 to a fashionable young woman (the last option) who was enjoying life rather than adhere to standards of behaviour - they were known for listening to jazz.
Answer: The Founding of the Colonies: One thing to keep in mind is that many of the American colonies were first founded by people trying to escape religious persecution in England. As the British government became more involved in the affairs of colonies, people began to worry that they would once again lose their freedoms.
French and Indian War: The French and Indian War took place between the American colonies and New France. Both sides allied with various Native American tribes. This war lasted from 1754 to 1763. British troops not only helped the colonists to fight the war, but were stationed in the colonies for protection after the war. These troops weren't free and Britain needed money to pay for the troops. The British Parliament decided to tax the American colonies to help pay for the troops.
Taxes, Laws, and More Taxes: Prior to 1764, the British government had pretty much left the colonists alone to govern themselves. In 1764, they began to impose new laws and taxes. They implemented a number of laws including the Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act. The colonists were not happy with the new taxes. They said they should not have to pay British taxes because they had no representatives in the British Parliament. Their motto became "No Taxation Without Representation."
Growing Unity Among the Colonies: The increased laws punishing the colonies did little to control the colonies as the British had hoped, but actually had the opposite effect. The laws caused the colonies to become more united against the British. Many colonies sent supplies to help Boston during the blockade. Also, more and more colonists throughout the Americas joined up with the Sons of Liberty.