The minimum requirements for a 64-bit Windows 10 installation are 2 GB of RAM and a minimum of 16 GB of space on the hard drive.
<em>Hope this helps :)</em>
The physical components that a computer is made of
as u can see these components and u can repaire these components if they got damaged
Debian based Linux distribution is a free distribution software and an operating system. It is composed of a open source and free source software. It is one of the most popular distributions.
A computer file name is a unique system of identifying the computer stored file in the file system. The names of the different file system have different formats or extensions in the file name and imposed different file restrictions.
In the context, the full path and the file name of a file that displays a time zone settings on a Debian Linux distribution is " ../etc/timezone".
The method doubleVal() is created to accept a single parameter of type double.
It multiplies what ever the value of the parameter is and returns the resulting value.
In this question The method is called within this output statement System.out.println(doubleVal(val)); (Note that val had already been declared and assigned the value of 6.5)
The value 6.5 is doubled and outputed to the screen