B. The disclaimer should be started at the beginning of the film
i.e : "based on a true story"
Since it has the Latin root that means physical substance C is the only one that has a physical substance
My first choice would be A. When you read the excerpt, how does it make you feel? That's your first clue to the answer. If they want something book specific, I would choose C.
Hal Marcovitz, the Rise of Julius Caesar
'Roman historian Appian lamented, “The people hoped that [Caesar] would also give them back democracy, just as Sulla had done, who had achieved a position of equal power. However, they were disappointed in this.”'
This shows Caesar was just as bad as Sulla. People were hoping that they would get back their democracy but Caesar didn't give it back much to their chagrin.
Hal Marcovitz, the Rise of Julius Caesar
"As Caesar made his way back to Rome, the Senate ordered him to disband his army. Caesar refused. Instead, on January 10 in 49 BCE, Caesar led his army in an attack on Rome."
This shows that instead of listening to the senate and following orders, he instead got things done through fear tactics.