Los números racionales son aquellos que pueden representarse como cociente de dos números enteros. Es decir, los podemos representar mediante una fracción a/b, donde a y b son números enteros y además b es distinto de cero.
1. De donde eres
which means where are you from? All the others mean how are you?, Whats new? and How is it going?
2. De nada
which means you're welcome, All the others mean goodbye, see you later, and see you tomorrow. Which are all ways of saying goodbye.
3. La siento
which means I can feel it, All the others mean you're welcome, delighted, and and the pleasure is mine.
1. si, hay formas diferentes de la bandera (yes, there were different forms of the flag)
Why have the changes been made?
I didn’t find answer for this question
2. La bandera de México es un símbolo muy importante para todos los mexicanos que se ejemplifica el Día de la Bandera.
last 1 also because it lasts 9 days and they ride bulls
and they all wear white and a red belt.