b) Steam locomotive
Peter Cooper was an American industrialist, inventor and philanthropist. He designed and built the first American steam locomotive, the Tom Thumb in 1830. And he did it at the time when the lack of waterways in certain areas required new form of transportation.
The name of the player who is solely authorized to assess a penalty in the game of “Bridge” is the Authorized Opponent. Bridge, or contact bridge, uses a standard 52-card deck and is a type of trick-taking card game. It is also one of the most popular card games around the world.
The factors that led to the development of Filipino nationalism was basically centered around one: the Spanish rule which existed on the islands for around three centuries. This started in the 1800's and continues on today, as the islands was often under the control of the Spaniards or the United States. Filipino nationalism includes political, social and economic freedom in the country and this was one of the reasons behind the first nationalist revolution in Asia in 1896.
It was encouraged by the 1689 bill of rights which established the British parliament. and then the colonies decided the wanted to freedoms like that
Byzantine Empire came into existence after the fall of the Roman Empire.
Caesaropapism is a political system in which the emperor is the head of the state, the head of the church, and authority over religious concerns. Byzantine Empire was remarkably attached to religion. They built monuments and churches with paintings of religious expression. The presence of Christ during the crowning of the emperors reveals the connection between the Church and Emperors. The Byzantine Emperor protect the Eastern Church and manage its administration by councils and patriarchs.