Certain models have been designed to explain how we process speech. The blank in the sentence has been filled below:
- A significant shortcoming of the three cueing systems model, compared to the four-part processing model, is that it obscures the role of <u>phonological processing</u> in word recognition.
The three cueing systems model is thought by language instructors who show that students can understand words better by examining;
- Their semantics that is meaning of words,
- Their syntax, and
- Their grapho-phonics composition which is about visualization.
The four-part processing model is higher as it evaluates, meaning, context, phonology, and orthography. Phonology is not accounted for in the three cueing systems.
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<span>The child is explaining Framton's behavior.
In this passage, Vera is creating a false tale about why her Uncle is scared of dogs. This is a critical moment because readers realize Vera has often lied to them throughout the novel.</span>
<span>The bet between the lawyer and the banker is a relatively simple bet. It takes a long time to complete, but the set up itself is straight forward. </span>
<span>B. CONCEDE is your answer. Hope it helps.</span>
Sentence 1 is in passive voice