Hi again! Here are my notes on Italy from my geography class last year:
<em>Geography of Italy</em>
Italy is a boot-shaped country to the south of the nations of France, Austria, Slovenia, and Switzerland. Sharing a Mediterranean culture with the Greeks, the Romans built on and borrowed from the Greek advances in civilization. Rome was the capital of what would become a far-reaching empire that would spread these ideas around the known world 1500-2000 years ago. Ideas like trial by jury, judges, plaintiffs, and defendants in court systems came from Rome. Engineering of architecture, roads, aqueducts, Roman baths, and the formation of the Catholic religion all came from the Roman culture. Art, music, literature, and the sciences were all made more sound by the Renaissance, which started in Rome and influenced the world. Along with Greece, Italy is part of the European Union, and its economy is based on textiles and industrial products.
The crust broke up because of the convection currents, formed tectonic plates, and is slowly pushed on the surface until it collides with another plate and subducts.
This image gives us the basics of how the plate tectonics theory works. The material in the upper mantle is cooler and denser than the material in the lower mantle, so it drops down and it pushes the hotter and less dense material up. This creates a circular motion in the mantle, and this motion creates enormous pressure on the crust above it and breaks it up.
As the crust is broken up, magma is rising constantly for millions of years, so the new magma pushes the old solidified one further away. This also pushes two pieces of crust away from each other. As the crusts move away, they eventually collide with another plate, and either gradually merge with it, or a subduction zone is created. In the latter, the crust moves below another crust and into the mantle, where it gets melted and recycled.
Philippines Geography
Extending about 1,100 miles (1,770 km; north to south), its many islands (volcanic in origin) are mostly mountainous, with narrow coastal plains; many islands are covered by tropical rain forests.
The Doppler radar uses what is known as the Doppler effect. In essence, the frequency of the radar signal increases when precipitation is moving towards the radar and decreases when precipitation is moving away from the radar. This can be vital in predicting tornadoes or gusts of wind.
hope this helps