8 1/4 inches
The common denominator of the two mixed numbers is 4.
Multiply the numerator and denominator (not the whole number part) of the first mixed number by 2 to get 4 2/4.
Now, you can add them.
4 2/4+3 3/4
=7 5/4
=8 1/4
1. If you don't water the plants
2. if you don't study
3. arrives, call
4. rains, won't go
5. will get, don't arrive
6. me too
7. so does Liza
8. neither will I
9. I don't either
10. I do too
11. she, she
12. me
13. It
14. been waiting
15. has, been taking
hope this helps!
Answer:active hostility or opposition
this is the land of the owner lands