Berryman is remembered as one of America's greatest political cartoon- ... This eBook is designed to engage students in studying United States history through the analysis of ... Imperialism and the global rivalry for power are dra- ... n 1918, the United States waged total war, fighting on land, at sea, and in the air to.
I hope this is helpful
Mia Pena
The beginning of 1917 was a very turbulent period during the follow of events of the WWI. Germany announced in January, it would engage against any Allied shipping using its submarine force. In February of that same year the president Wilson told the Congress that the US had broken diplomatic relations with the German government.
In march of that year Germany sank five US vessels, contributing to the already unstable American society. The british propaganda in the US and the deep economical involvement with the Allies carried the country to finally enter the War.
this because the virus was created for economic benefits but it turned out bad.they tried to make a medical treatment for it when they release it but they failed and it spread